I was driving around this one afternoon cause that's a good way to start a story, you know? And this one car. This slight japanese little thing with it's indicators inside the mirrors and this orange blinker on it's roof just popping on and off. it was daylight for petes and you still could've gone blind. my hand to god. So I was driving and this thing gets in front of me like and starts going reeeeeeeally fucking slow. I'm talking two miles an hour when it's driver was getting frisky and wanted to show some muscle. I was behind this speck of a wheeled dingy, you see? caught there. No room or space for a good god-fearing american car like mine to shimmy through. this snails pace drive went on for eighteen gas-saving blocks. it took an hour if it was a minute. and I had things to do, mind you. things dat been done needin to be took ker of. you dig? So this car finally pulls over and parks in a tiny wee spot for motorcycles and regular pedal bikes...and out steps this gigantic blond woman the size of a liquid hectare, and christ she was beautiful. not just pretty or cute or Damn! This woman was an angel incarnate. she was god's mother in full on after-birth glow. To top it off, ha ha, she had a head the size of a twenty two inch television set. Not a flat screen type you understand but an older model. without a remote.
She moved with a skill and precision I've never quite witnessed before--up close. It was of the sort that nanobiologists and blind, mistrustful elephants sometimes possess. It was magnificent.