Its all just getting started boys and girls; The American revolution (Pluto in Capricorn), The birth of socialism (Neptune in Pisces) and the rise of the Third Reich (Uranus in Aries), they’re all here now.
The great experiments of social organization and governance all get worked out right in front of us, mashed up on technological steroids, hyper-surveillance, cancerous currencies, franken foods and junk media.
Once we get our bearings and the baby Christ of Neptune in Pisces zips into worldly-wise adolescence, then full-blown-third eye-opening adulthood, a planetary field of gnosis becomes an etheric grid, the cosmic wet-wear of the collective crown chakra. Yes. We can learn to move and breath as one. Its going to take some time though to get our bearings as we’ll also have to deal with the toxic plumes of Chiron in Pisces ahead, choking us off from our faith.
Its here.
Take a deep breath and dive in.