The Lower Pyramid: 

So the earth and humans sit at the meridian of the upper and lower pyramids. Within the top pyramid reside the higher dimensions or the higher energetic beings with the highest energetic state being at the top.

There is also a lower pyramid, which is almost exactly the opposite. I don't understand all of the concepts, because this is really not a place you want to visit under the effects of ayahuasca (or any other time, I suppose). The lower you get in the bottom pyramid the lower the energetic state. Kind of like an electron that loses its energy. Think of it as drowning and sinking to the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean. There is some light at the top; in fact you would be able to see all that is above you, all that you missed. At the bottom it is cold and pitch-black. I suppose this is what we imagine to be hell. There are some beings that have been at the bottom for so long, they don’t even know there is a top.

I'm not sure how a being would ever end up on the lower pyramid. That part wasn't explained, but I have a feeling that once again it is a self selection process and may take eons or massive destruction and pain to humanity or perhaps the earth.

Once a being is on the lower pyramid, there is no going back up. They just sink into the cold- blackness as they eventually disintegrate into nothingness, forever. I had a clear vision of the beings towards the top. They knew what they missed. They could see it all above them, and they could sense the blackness in the coldness below them. They knew they were drowning, and they fought savagely to stay on top as long as they could. To gain the energy to keep from sinking these beings feed off the pain, fear and suffering of humanity. They are simply predators, and we’re the prey. They influence us in whatever way they can to produce the desired emotional response. They trick us, tempt us and mess with our minds. Collectively, I guess you could call them Satan. I always see these negative entities as snakes, but I suppose they could take any form, reptilians, aliens or demons perhaps. I'm not talking about the teaching snakes like anacondas. I'm talking about pit vipers and rattlesnakes of all colors and sizes. So when I talk about the snakes; I'm really talking about these negative entities.