I’m sure you remember that the US is far and away the world’s largest arms exporter?  While it would be nicey-nice to naively believe the US is involved in global politics for humanitarian reasons, such as spreading democracy, the fact is, the economy would already have further/more noticeably imploded, if we didn’t have US Arms Dealers profiting at every turn.  And don’t even get me going on the FMS (Foreign Military Sales) programs.
The US “pitch” globally is insincere and people see it: We’re a peaceable, democratic people but one of our largest national business models is based on making things so that other nations may kill people and break things.
The corporate apologists claim that "If we don’t make them, someone else will.”  And that’s true, but only so far as it goes.  The whole international community including the UN is a sham if – after 50+ years – there has been next to no progress on limiting international arms profiteering.  Good money in death, is there?
Indigenous and thinking peoples around the world are waking up thanks to the telecommunications revolution.  Only thing that remains is how the global mass consciousness will deal with it.