"...that means people who were smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall and once Obama got elected they got the shaft losing jobs, spending savings and moving from middle class to poverty. Of course Romney never said he was turning the 47 percent away, he said they don't pay taxes. This was a correct statement and many of those 47 percent will vote for Romney again so they can get back to work. Here is one for you...under Obama the nation is circling the drain, so if the 47 percent vote obummer back in then people like me will leave the country (I already own property in foreign country and have money parked there) I left for awhile under Clinton and I'll do it again. But all you will have left are the poor who will be still looking for jobs or on the dole because the job makers like me...will take our footballs and go home. So, If you think Obama is so great, well vote for him because his rules for the game do not favor prosperity but poverty...a game i am sure you know how to play well."