“Because state and corporate power depend on a similar set of unchallenged, unquestionable distortions and delusions, incoherence remains vital for their survival. After all, to present a coherent explanation as to why the Third World is starving, why the environment is falling apart, why there was a Cold War, why Panama was invaded, why there was a Gulf war, why forty per cent of British children live below the poverty line, and so on, would immediately involve revealing the truth that society is built on a set of necessary illusions.
Consequently, the news we see and read, like education at school, must consist of a stream of disconnected, disembodied facts, with no context, no coherent explanation of meaning or significance, no background and no logical framework by means of which they could be understood. Because the only logical framework that fits-that the Western world is motivated by corporate profit at very nearly any human and environmental cost-is disallowed, a confused hotchpotch of ill-fitting, irrational frameworks must be invented and bolted together. Any number of surveys have revealed the extent to which the majority of people have no coherent grasp of what is happening in the world ”
Consequently, the news we see and read, like education at school, must consist of a stream of disconnected, disembodied facts, with no context, no coherent explanation of meaning or significance, no background and no logical framework by means of which they could be understood. Because the only logical framework that fits-that the Western world is motivated by corporate profit at very nearly any human and environmental cost-is disallowed, a confused hotchpotch of ill-fitting, irrational frameworks must be invented and bolted together. Any number of surveys have revealed the extent to which the majority of people have no coherent grasp of what is happening in the world ”
“Burning All Illusions” by David Edwards