"The Human Race is coming to the end of an era, but what is going to follow has no possibility of a happy ending. The Human race has somehow filled the oceans with plastic, and continues to do so at an accelerated rate. Plastic has a half life of at least 10,000 years while floating in the ocean.
Most fish today is farmed raised, and the amount of chemicals and hormones, and what they feed them is creating toxic seafood. The farming of crops on land involves chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and strip farming which greatly depletes the top soil. Fresh water is now mostly contaminated and is dwindling as well.
Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine are covered with Depleted Uranium dust, which is blowing all around the world causing lung cancer, and it has a half life of several billion years. The atmosphere is saturated with electromagnetic radiation from the 50 or 60 hertz from the wall socket to the microwaves of cell phone towers and phones to the x-rays of the TVs, medical devices and scanners. It is safe to say that Human damage to the ecological environment that sustains it is beyond recovery and quickly getting worse.
If that is not bad enough, the world is awaiting the inevitable attack upon Iran, which will no doubt usher in full scale nuclear warfare. It is very difficult to imagine how the Human Race will survive another twenty years, much less the two thousand years of the Aquarian Age. Salvation is an individual reality, as following the lemmings over the cliff is the group order.
As a last note, the formless and timeless Infinite Creator does not care what happens to the Human Race. The Human Race were given Free Will and clearly did not use it properly. Waiting for some Savior to come down upon Earth and pull Humanity out of its death throes is delusional."