“Enough of the conspiracy nonsense. It seems that you have not noticed that in each of these cases it was just one species of animal involved. So, then, why was just one species affected in the area they were in? And (why was not) ALL LIFE in that area killed?

What kind of conspiracy have you got that can target just ONE species?"

It’s pretty well established that all organisms have certain frequencies that they are susceptible to.  For example, all of us who are pilots know that blinking a  light at the right frequency (varies by person) can induce everything from small effects like vertigo to full on epileptic seizures (see: Flicker Vertigo) – and that’s just light.
We also know of RF effects, and to believe that the earth can produce electromagnetic effects is hardly a stretch, given precursors like ‘earthquake clouds’ date back to as early as 505-587 AD