I love that you noticed Bill Harford going through doors. Because what is the hoodwink here? It pivots around the fact that cabals involve inclusion a private "inner sanctum" of elites that they hint you can join if you work at it and kiss their ass and do their bidding - then they'll let you into their tomb at Yale. But the average American like Bill is far too stupid to ever come close to even that level.
Well the elites know all about this dynamic and have used it for centuries to control people who have been inculcated with just the easily controllable psyche that Bill Harford unwittingly exhibits.
EWS is about the dynamic of spending your precious life energy scrambling to be included in that next higher "inner sanctum", only to discover that this one is no closer to the top either, and that it is populated by the same kind of selfish creeps you left in the last one, only richer. It is a shorthand for the entire corrupt corporate swindle in America – nobody calls bullshit on it because everyone dreams of being included in it.