Today's Episode of White Is Right™

Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 6:31:17 AM
Us in Africa our dream of a new world order is one where no "white" man can come to our home to hurt us again, we wish a new world order where their languages are banned from Africa, their racist names of domination over us systematically removed from us, their ownership of all that is ours terminated, and that world order we are working for it.
willy01in reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 8:03:03 PM
You must relly love your great leaders in Africa like Mugabe.
voice of reasonin reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 7:59:55 PM
@voice of AfricaSo should we do this to you africans in countries "whites or others races" are a majority? Your racism is just as disgusting as the racism you proclaim you are working against. Your type of thinking reminds me of a saying of Ghandi, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." All races have amde their own impacts on the world an each deserves the rights to freedom, life, and pursuit of happiness.
jackroin reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 7:48:17 PM
And what of the African tribes that raided and rounded up fellow Africans and SOLD them to the "white" men? If you studied history you would see that there were many all African(black) ships that ran slaver trades to Europe and the then colonies of the America's. Slavery was not only done by white men.
shannonin reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 7:34:48 PM
GET OVER IT!!! your black kings sold you into slavery. maybe you should be a little bit upset at the mother country
Bill Gatesin reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 7:31:10 PM
Ok. We can start by stopping all the billions in aid, food, medicine, volunteers, education, computers, technology, and water treatment projects.Then we can sit back and watch you kill each other like Dar Fur, watch you starve like in Ethopia, and each other like the canibal tribes.But then again I would assume you would demand all of those things in order to be "fair" for the "white man" keeping you oppressed.
grtin reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 10:46:11 AM
you would still be chucking spears if it were not for the white man
Akram abu 'Absin reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 7:36:21 AM
I agree with VoA and anyone who disagrees has never experienced Africa where the white man cam, taugh the people to pray and when they opened their eyes, their land and their cattle were gone. Today Africa is still run by its original colonizers through proxy dictators or benign puppets.
Cyrus IIin reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 7:11:29 AM
'their ownership of all that is ours terminated'That will cover every thing else. However, The new world order should be colorless. It's people's thoughts and actions that are either good or evil not the color of their skins
WOWin reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 6:54:54 AM
You are an avid racist. You are one of the people who keeps feeding racism by finding it in all the world's problems, or even if there is no problem, racism is somehow present. Your own tribe members from Africa sold you out, but I do not see you mad at them. You need to study your history instead of listening to moronic rants from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
miker5in reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 6:54:17 AM
Tell us how the white man come to your door to hurt you. Did he give you some clothing that fit too tightly? Did he try to employ you, or give you a bible? Would your ban apply to white women also?
Voice of Reasonin reply to Voice of Africa
3/8/2011 6:52:07 AM
So VoA wants to replace the old racists with the new ones ...lovely ...and the old anti-semites have new names but the same old inbred hatreds ...better yet the 9/11 crackpots, they really crack me up, they do.